TechnoPro Security Paper
Enhance the security of your high value document by using our unique highly secured and controlled papers.

Our high-level security paper enhances the value of your documents such as licenses, contracts, affidavits, wills, certificates, and Academic Transcripts, etc. Our Unique and controlled supply with genuine watermark CBS1 security paper cannot be obtained from stationeries store or by any other company or individual. Due to the nature and sensitivity of the work we do, we do not work with Individuals, we only work with Institutions recognized by TCU and NACTE and Companies that are registered by BRELA or other official Government agencies. For lawyers or advocates we work with TLS or Government registered Lawyers.

Secure Legal Paper
Special Security Legal Paper for registered lawyers and advocates or registered Organizations. Used for contracts or agreements and for other legal documents.

Secure Transcript Paper
Special security academic transcript paper for higher learning institutions. We customize the security features as per the need of your institution.

Document Verification
This includes our encrypted software customized for your institution and other barcode readers to decrypted encrypted information from your documents.
Document Inspectors
TechnoPro as an expert in document security, we have connected a physical document and the digital world in a unique ecosystem where an average citizen can become an inspector themselves by using a smartphone to check the security details of a document that were only accessible to forensic experts using expensive laboratory equipment before.
Register for product or service demo
For more information on our secure solutions please contact us or register for product or service demo.
Stop Document Fraud
For more information on our Security Paper please contact us or register for product demo